Custom UI Style

Starting from version 4.5.0, QLC+ can read a custom file to change the GUI appearance in a very accessible way.
If no file is found, QLC+ will start with the default style.

The theme style file

The file name is hard-coded into QLC+ and must be: qlcplusStyle.qss
The style file must also be placed in a specific path which is:

  • Linux: $HOME/.qlcplus
  • Windows: C:\\Users\\<YourUser>\\QLC+
  • OSX: $HOME/Library/Application\\ Support/QLC+

The theme file is divided in sections. Each section represents the UI items that will be modified when running QLC+. Unchanged sections can be omitted.
Sections start with a bunch of === characters and the section name.
At the moment, supported section keywords are:

============== MAIN
============== SIMPLE_DESK_NONE
============== SIMPLE_DESK_EVEN
============== SIMPLE_DESK_ODD
============== GRANDMASTER
============== FIXTURE_CONSOLE_ODD

The section content must have a CSS syntax. If you're comfortable with web designing, you should find the creation of this file very easy!
Since the style file is strictly related to the inner Qt objects, you might want to read the following articles to find out the elements' names and the additional CSS properties the Qt team added to the default CSS syntax.
Qt Style Sheets
Qt Style Sheets Examples
It is up to your imagination how you prefer to customize the QLC+ GUI appearance! If you find a style worth sharing, don't forget to send in your contribution by posting it online in the QLC+ forum

Please note: not all styles are available to be changed via the stylesheet as they are hard-coded in C++.

QLC+ dark blue style example

Just to give you an example of how easy this process is, here's a bluish dark style for QLC+.
If you copy the following lines into qlcplusStyle.qss in the right location as explained above, you will see it applied to QLC+ at the next startup.

============== MAIN
QMainWindow, QDialog
    background-color: #404B57;
    color: #E6E6E6;

    background-color: #3A444F;
    alternate-background-color: #404B57;
    color: #E6E6E6;

    background-color: #3A444F;
    color: #E6E6E6;