Command Line Parameters

QLC+ supports a number of command line parameters to automate/extend some functionalities on startup.
Using command line parameters can be tricky depending on the operating system you're using:

Linux: just open a terminal and type "qlcplus" followed by the parameters you need
Windows: create a shortcut of qlcplus.exe (usually located in C:\QLC+) on your desktop. Right click on the shortcut and select "Properties". In the "Target" field you will see something like C:\\QLC+\\qlcplus.exe. There you can add command line parameters. When done click OK.
For example, to force the German language at startup, modify your shortcut command line like this:

OSX: This is the most difficult case since QLC+ on OSX is bundled into a DMG package. You need to open a terminal and "cd" into the QLC+ DMG like this: cd\\Contents\\MacOS
When done, type "qlcplus" followed by the parameters you need

-c or --closebutton

Description: Define a position for a close button in the virtual console. The button can be used to close QLC+. Only has an effect in kiosk mode (see -k) and is most useful when in fullscreen mode without a window manager.

Parameters: x,y,w,h

Create a button at (x400, y500) whose size is (w70, h50):
qlcplus -c 400,500,70,50
qlcplus --closebutton 400,500,70,50
-d or --debug

Description: Enable debug mode and optionally set the output level. Note that since 4.8.0 messages for level DEBUG (0) are not included in released binaries.

Parameters: Level (see QtMsgType)

Enable debug mode and set debug level to 0:
qlcplus -d
qlcplus --debug

Enable debug mode and set debug level to 3:
qlcplus -d 3
-f or --fullscreen

Description: Start the application in fullscreen mode

Parameters: Method (either 'normal' or 'resize')

Tell the window manager to give the whole screen space to QLC+:
qlcplus -f
qlcplus --fullscreen
qlcplus -f normal
qlcplus --fullscreen normal

Resize QLC+ to take up the whole screen space (useful in custom X11 sessions without a window manager):
qlcplus -f resize
qlcplus --fullscreen resize
-g or --log

Description: Log debug messages to a file ($HOME/QLC+.log)

Parameters: None

Enable debug messages and store them to log
qlcplus -d 0 -g
qlcplus --debug 0 --log
-h or --help

Description: Display command-line help (only in Linux & OS X)

Parameters: None

Display the command-line help:
qlcplus -h
qlcplus --help
-k or --kiosk

Description: Enable kiosk-mode (only virtual console is visible and the application is locked in operate mode)

Parameters: None

Start the application in kiosk mode:
qlcplus -k
qlcplus --kiosk
-l or --locale

Description: Use the given language for translation

Parameters: Language code (currently supported: ca_ES, cz_CZ, de_DE, en_GB, es_ES, fi_FI, fr_FR, it_IT, ja_JP, nl_NL, pt_BR)

Use finnish language:
qlcplus -l fi_FI
qlcplus --locale fi_FI
-m or --nowm

Description: Inform the application that the system doesn't provide a window manager. QLC+ will therefore add some extra controls to close the windows.

Parameters: None

Start QLC+ with no window manager:
qlcplus -m
qlcplus --nowm
-n or --nogui

Description: Start the application with the GUI hidden (Raspberry Pi only)

Parameters: None

Start QLC+ with no visible GUI:
qlcplus -n
qlcplus --nogui
-o or --open

Description: Open the given workspace file

Parameters: File name

Open sample.qxw:
qlcplus -o sample.qxw
qlcplus --open sample.qxw
-p or --operate

Description: Start the application in Operate mode.

Parameters: None

Start QLC+ in operate mode:
qlcplus -p
qlcplus --operate
-v or --version

Description: Display the current application version number

Parameters: None

qlcplus -v
qlcplus --version
-w or --web

Description: Enable remote web access on port 9999

Parameters: None

qlcplus -w
qlcplus --web
-wp or --web-port

Description: Use a specific port for web access

Parameters: Port number

qlcplus -wp 12345
qlcplus --web-port 12345
-wa or --web-auth

Description: Enable remote web access with users authentication

Parameters: None

qlcplus -wa
qlcplus --web-auth
-a or --web-auth-file

Description: Specify a file where to store web access basic authentication credentials

Parameters: File name

qlcplus -wa qlcplus_password
qlcplus --web-auth-file qlcplus_password